The {Disarmed} tag is added by MailScanner when it has detected and disarmed potentially dangerous HTML content in an email.
In the MailScanner Configuration (WHM > MailScanner >
MailScanner Configuration) there are several settings that affect
whether certain types of HTML tags should be allowed through in emails:
Allow IFrame Tags
Allow Form Tags
Allow Script Tags
Allow WebBugs
Allow Object Codebase Tags
You should read through the text in the MailScanner configuration
file to decide whether you want to block, allow, or disarm each type of
tag. If you wish to configure this on a per-domain basis, instead of
yes, no or disarm you can put the name of a ruleset, such as
%rules-dir%/webbugs.rules. (Be sure to include %rules-dir%/ so it knows
where to look for the file.)
Create a file with that name (e.g. webbugs.rules) in the appropriate
directory (normally /usr/mailscanner/etc/rules/). In that file you
should have one or more lines like this:
To: * disarm
To: * disarm
FromOrTo: default yes
Here is the meaning of the values:
yes => Allow these tags to be in the message
no => Ban messages containing these tags
disarm => Allow these tags, but stop these tags from working
You need to include the default line to tell MailScanner what to do
with the domains that you have not specified in the lines above.
Obviously if you have more clients that want the tags disarmed than
don't want them disarmed, you could do the reverse and have disarm as
the default and yes as the exceptions.
If you simply want to remove the "Disarmed" notice in the subject
line, go to WHM > ConfigServer MailScanner FE > MailScanner
Configuration and search for "Disarmed Modify Subject". Change the value
of this to no.