Tuesday 26th July 2016 16:04
You should ensure you are running an up to date version of MailScanner and the front-end.
Go into WHM > Plugins > ConfigServer MailScanner FE > Click the
"MailScanner Performance" button > Click "Enable Store Messages".
From that point on any messages coming in will have a copy stored in
quarantine and will have additional options at the bottom for Release
(not available if it contained a virus or other infection, but will be
available for non-infected blocked attachments), Delete, and SA Learn.
The emails will still be delivered to the recipient (unless they are
blocked or deleted for some other reason), but a copy will be stored in
quarantine for 7 days by default. To change the number of days emails are stored in quarantine, go to WHM > Plugins > ConfigServer MailScanner FE > MailControl, click the Menu button (top right), select MailControl Settings, and change the value for Keep x days of Quarantine entries.
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