If you are getting an error saying "Table 'maillog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired", go into WHM > Plugins > ConfigServer MailScanner FE > Mail Control > MailControl Settings and toward the bottom of the page click the button "Fix Database". If that doesn't work, you could try repairing the database in PHPMyAdmin via WHM.
If that does not work or for other MySQL errors, you may need to remove the database and re-create it.
Please note this will delete all of the MailControl entries. Here's how to do it in shell:
mysql -e "drop database mailscanner"
perl /usr/mscpanel/mailcontrol/dbadd.pl
service MailScanner restart
Be sure to check the maillog to ensure MailScanner starts up without any errors:
tail -f /var/log/maillog
If there is no output to your maillog, restart syslog or rsyslog with:
service syslog restart
service rsyslog restart
And then tail the maillog again with the above command.