Tuesday 26th July 2016 16:28
By default MailScanner is configured to deliver spam with a modified
subject line. It is up to you to decide what you want done with spam
once MailScanner has identified it as spam - {Spam?} for low scoring
spam and {Definitely Spam?} for high scoring spam. You can do this
server-wide in the WHM Front-end and each user can configure it in their
cPanel MailScanner front-end.
1. Server-wide: In WHM go to ConfigServer MailScanner FE > Front-end
Settings and change the "Default action for low scoring spam" and
"Default action for high scoring spam" (the possible options are given
for each setting), and click Change. To apply the settings immediately
you can then go back to the main ConfigServer MailScanner FE page and
click "MailScanner Rules Update".
2. Each user can configure MailScanner to deliver, forward or delete low
and high scoring spam either on a per-domain basis or for all the
domains in their account in the cPanel MailScanner front-end.
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